Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Loss of a Friend & Genuine "Nice Guy"! - Mike Conley Died Today (02/28/08)

I just found out in an email of all things, what a way to hear. Mike Conley, wheelie king, frontman for the punk band MIA, owner of the popular Avalon Bar in Costa Mesa, father of three, and genuine nice guy died this morning. I have no other details as of now but I will post them as I hear. Please keep his family in your prayers!,0,7130802.story

Photo from OC Weekly article.

It only seemed like yesterday that I saw Mike at Meatball's movie premier. I didn't even get the chance to say "Hi." Life is so unpredictable that way though and weeks before we were eating with friends and chatting it up at Crab Cooker in Newport and then Taco Mesa in Costa Mesa, Mike's favorite restaurant.

Mike was always so polite, so easygoing. He would always say, "How's it going Slim?" or "Man I haven't seen you in a while...what are you up to?". Mike always cared for those around him and will be sorely missed. My sincerest condolences go out to his wife and three daughters at this time of loss!

Mike Conley - from Murder in a Foreign Place album - 1984

Conley crowd surfering in MIA - 1984

MIA "Murder in a Foreign Place" second pressing with blue letters and back cover. 1st pressing was red! Such a great album! Mike you will be missed dearly!

Track listing!

Second from the left!

Mike, you will be deeply missed, but never forgotten!

In honor of Mike Conley's life please send me your best photos so I can post them here. Anything will do but something current would be nice! Also, no new posts will go up until Monday 03/03/08 except for those related to MIKE!

If anybody needs someone to talk to or pray with about Mike's loss don't hesitate to call or write!

1 comment:

  1. This is really sad. I first met M.I.A.'s guitarist Nick Adams and drummer Chris Moon back in 1980 or 1981, when Nick worked at Pier Records down by 18th St. Pier in Newport and we became good friends.

    While I didn't know Mike too well, I really liked M.I.A. and have good memories of seeing them. Pop/Hardcore at its finest. The H.B./Surf Punk scene threw up some great bands back in the day - M.I.A., The Adolescents, The Crowd, Agent Orange and so on.

    I remember one time in particular when they played a house party in someone's house down on Newport Peninsula and the cops came with a helicopter. Good times :)

    R.I.P. Mike :(
