Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Little Catalina Grand Prix History!

The Catalina Island Musuem, located in the 1929 Casino Building, had some great info on the Grand Prix, including this information sheet!

The pre-race crowd! Wow, what a gathering!

Here's a portion of the uphill course. As you can read, the GP race brought 7,000 spectators; insane!

What goes up must come down!

Fulton taking the corner. Notice the high pipes and sprung hub!

Taking the checkers!

Though this picture is unrelated its from the 50s and kind of fits; who know as she could have been a trophy girl too. Nice pin-up shot with girl holding flying fish from a Catalina store!

The trophy girls?

This is probably where you'd eat in Avalon during the 50s. Again its unrelated but I dig the swordfish sign and lettering!

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