Sunday, November 14, 2010

"A Quest to Building a Dream Bike" - H.K.G's Photo Documentary on Mark Drews' "Solitary Confinement"

Half Moon Garage has an outstanding new post with several photos of Mark Drews' triumph show bike during the final stages of the build. These are unlike any of the other photos out there of the bike as they really show the steps Mark took to craft this masterpiece and the TLC involved with the entire process!


  1. Question: I know that "Solitary Confinement" has already been featured in a Japanese magazine cuz I saw a photo of it. Looks like the Half Moon Garage guy might have shot the pix for it. Any idea how I reach him? I'm
    Thanks! Love to buy a copy of that mag.

  2. Theo - I contacted Gabe and he's going to ask Toru of Mooneyes and I'll let you know what I hear regarding which Japanese Magazine will be handling the feature article!

  3. yo stretchy stretch it's the mooneyes show magazine that you can order thru mooneyes...moonnews. xo g
