Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Art Show @ Eden Salon

Hand screened poster for the Salon art event by the Harpoon.

Jenny's a very talented artist and recent graduate of Cal State Fullerton, where I went. "The Gentleman Beast!" Too funny!

"Spider Girl" was one cool painting in this circus sideshow display!

The "Nothing Machine" by Rodney with fabrication help by Chris and Jeff. This contraption was insane with motorcycle primary chains, gears, bicycle parts, and various metal shapes working to drive a typewriter to type the word "nothing" over and over on a spool of paper.

Another angle of the machine and its intricate design. All proceeds from the picture sales from this event and the upcoming Cycle World tour will go a Children's Brain Tumor Foundation to help make a difference in sick childrens' lives! Indeed a very worth cause!

Nice Pop Art piece of Clint Eastwood from "A Fistful of Dollars" as done by the Harpoon and as purchased by Lucky!

I at first thought this was Harpoon's panhead but it turns out its a screening of Gary Littlejohn's panhead, the second version. I like the colors too as they remind me of X-ray Spex's "Germ Free Adolescence" album cover. Nice!

Harpoon's panhead was there and looking good too! If you get the chance to see this bike in person check out the tank as the molding job is phenominal! Grant did some very swell work fabricating those angled shotgun pipes as well! One very nice machine!


  1. The 'Nothing Machine' is the coolest thing I've seen all week. Maybe all month.

  2. Guy, i wish someone shot video of it because it IS the coolest thing anyone's seen all month, maybe all year!

    Stretch, thanks for putting up some pics of the show, i think it was a success!
    Glad I got some NOTHING.
