Sunday, July 11, 2010

"La Mission" Movie - 2009

Jackie stumbled upon this movie while searching the Internet yesterday and I'll have to say it looks pretty amazing (minus the gay innuendo storyline with Che's son.) Benjamin Bratt and another actor from "Blood In, Blood Out" are in the film and it appears to have a many cool low riders featured as well. From what I can tell its only playing in select theaters now but you can get all the details on the website here!

If you're interested this film is coming to DVD & Blueray on 08/10/10, thanks Jahluv for the info, and you can preorder a copy on Amazon here!


  1. It's a good flick. Besides the cars (and a couple of chops - you have to look fast...), Benjamin Bratt has got his character nailed. Supposed to be out on video in August...

  2. inhale, tolerance
    exhale, judgement

    You know Stretch, I have three boys and the thought's crossed my mind....what if...

  3. Muerte, thats a crazy thought. This movie looks super cool if it weren't for the gay inuendo storyline. You're right as the world breaths tolerance yet God promises judgement for such a lifestyle.
