I was looking around a bit on Flickr today and found these cool 70's skate stickers on Christian Montone's page. There are some very cool advertisements and album covers as well!
I picked this topper up off Ebay (pics above from the auction) as it looks pretty cool though it hasn't arrived yet. Cool old toppers are hard to find these days.
Rene of Australia sent over THIS link from Martsrod's. Check out the photos as there are some cool cars in addition to these two bikes shown above! Thanks Rene!
On the way in to work this morning I spotted this interesting Sportster with a cool Bates type scrambler seat that looked like it has white tuck & roll on top. The guy's helmet reminds me of one of Gabe's helmets done by the Undertaker. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get close enough to snap any shots of this cycle. (I've been trying to keep my camera with me lately to capture any cool machines I might see on the road!)
Rene sent me a photo of this painting he has been working on for an art / motorcycle show in Australia. I'd be interested in seeing one of those finned primary covers on a pre-unit triumph! Nice work Rene!
This is such a great video from the Stray Cats circa 1983. You'll see some hydraulics around 2:04 and a glimpse of Felix Chevrolet around 3:27 and the dream sequence is pretty well done too!
Above are 1951 crash photos from San Pedro, Long Beach, and Will Rodgers State Park. Like it or not when a motorcycle meets a car the consequences are always ugly.
I was browsing under Van Doren sneakers on Ebay this morning and saw this awesome pair with "Slow Poke" type snails. For those not aware Van Doren was the predecessor for Vans shoes, with Van Doren being the family name. These sneakers would make for a great display!
I'll have to hand it to my brother that he's been doing a great job at finding some nice vintage sweatshirts lately with Madrid skateboard Bat Rails sweatshirt being one of the coolest gems thus far!